The Appalachia Service Project ASP is an organization based in Johnson City, TN, focused on eradicating substandard housing in Central Appalachia. ASP primarily focusses on extremely impoverished counties in WV, VA, KY, TN, and NC.


We plan to gather at 6am on Thursday, October 24th, in the back parking lot to load up and drive down. We will foster transformational relationships within the community while performing critical home repairs to make homes warmer, safer, and drier during the day on Friday and Saturday. At night we will engage each other to strengthen our relationships as a First Church family. On Sunday, we will leave early to return home.


In harmony with First Church’s summer youth ASP mission, we invite adults to join in this opportunity to create community outside our comfortable North Shore bubble.


For information, contact either:

Grant Bailey – 312-402-1251;

Sydney Harkrider (281-948-7022;